Red roses created from delicious red colored and cocoa flavored cakes which looks so romantic and taste delicious. This red rose bouquet is great alternative for any other classic rose bouquet as a Valentine's Day gift . You can order this delicious unique flower to say Thank you to your loved ones or you can send this flower with your romantic message card with our currier. We delivery Prague with in 2 hours. Red rose cakes will satisfy all rose lovers. Now to show your love is more sweet and easy with Frutiko flowers.
Cake flowers can be ordered online instead of a birthday cake, or can be sent as a gift instead of flowers to love or friends . Order red roses which is made from delicious cake doll which is colored shiny red color and arranged as a romantic red rose bouquet/ delivery to all Czech Republic. Edible cake bouquet of red roses surpasses all the classic rose bouquet.
mléko, sója, lepek, vejce
Dark chocolate - cocoa mass, defatted cocoa, lactose., Fondant - sugar, glucose syrup, water, vegetable fats (coconut, hydrogenated palm kernel oil), potato starch, thickeners: xanthan gum, flavouring, potassium sorbate, citric acid., Popcakes - wheat flour, sugar, vegetable fat (palm and sunflower), modified starch, dextrose, dried egg whites, baking powder (E450, E500), non-fat dried milk, moisture regulator: sorbitol. emulsifiers: soya lecithin, E472e, salt, aroma.
How long will baked products last?
Cakes, cupcakes, cake bouquets and other desserts are recommended to be consumed as soon as possible, ideally immediately after delivery or within 24 hours. Final products are prepared fresh just before delivery, while cake shells and the dough are baked one day in advance. Keep products that contain cream in the fridge, cake bouquets without cream can be stored in a cool place. The maximum product life is 48 hours, after this time the cream may start to spoil and the sponge may start to harden.
How do you deliver products?
All products are transported around Prague and the Central Bohemia region by our drivers in refrigerated trucks. To other cities of the Czech Republic they are delivered by Messenger courier service in thermoboxes with dry ice and coolers.
Kytici jsem posílala dřívější kamarádce k narozeninám jako dárek a rozveselení v této nelehké době. Všechno proběhlo jak mělo a obdarovaná měla moc velkou radost až prý byla škoda to jíst
Tuto nádhernou kytici jsem si objednal pro moji přítelkyni k narozeninám. Překvapila mě rychlost doručení a velice dobrá chuť muffinu. přítelkyně byla velice mile překvapená. Všem moc doporučuji.
moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift
healthy yet versatile gift for everyone
ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade
bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled
customer satisfaction guarantee