Pink Roses


Ingredients: Roses

Bouquet of pink roses

Bouquet of Roses the number of their choice as a gift to please every woman. Pink roses are romantic and poetic, express love, but also the gratitude and praise and awards. They can also be a way of saying thank you or expression of admiration. A bouquet of roses deliver anywhere in the Czech Republic with a personal message.

Gift Frutiko service brings not only cut flowers, but also fruity bouquet or original gifts for each.


How to care for flowers?

Store flowers and flower boxes in a bright place at room temperature. Do not expose them to excessive heat or sunlight on a window or near a heater. Change the water of the flowers and cut the stems once every two to three days. Pour a small amount of water into the flowerbox every other day.

How long do flowers last?

Flowers in bouquets and flowerboxes will last aprox a week according to your care.

Customer reviews

Hana T.


Kytice byla předána jak bylo domluveno, růže čerstvé nádherné. Doporučuji.

Zuzana H.


Na základě skvělé zkušenosti s ovocnou kyticí jsem objednala i květiny - růže i vázanou kytici. Objednávala jsem znovu v Praze Modřanech k osobnímu vyzvednutí. Musím, říci, že vše opět proběhlo k mé naprosté spokojenosti. Jako bonus jsem až při převzetí zjistila, že každá růže má stonek v ampuli s vodou. Výborné, mohu jen doporučit.

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Wow effect

moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift


healthy yet versatile gift for everyone

TOP quality

ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade

100% Freshness

bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled

Excellent service

customer satisfaction guarantee