Peach Roses


Ingredients: Roses

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89 Kč

Bouquet of cream roses

Bouquet of Roses cream - peach color in the number of your choice pleases as a gift for any occasion. Each flower has its own interesting story, roses certainly have their own and a leading position. Hundreds of years mediate roses symbolize wordless messages and credible instrument words. Regardless of color, unique beauty roses guarantees gifted people joy and admiration of others. Peach bouquet of cream roses delivered anywhere in the CR congratulating me with your personal message.

Gift Frutiko service delivers not only cut flowers but also fruity bouquet or original gifts for everyone.


How to care for flowers?

Store flowers and flower boxes in a bright place at room temperature. Do not expose them to excessive heat or sunlight on a window or near a heater. Change the water of the flowers and cut the stems once every two to three days. Pour a small amount of water into the flowerbox every other day.

How long do flowers last?

Flowers in bouquets and flowerboxes will last aprox a week according to your care.

Customer reviews

Marta Svatošová


Komunikace perfektní, dodání rychlé, obdarovaná měla neskutečnou radost z nádherné kytice



I ordered the roses for a friend's birthday and they were delivered on time, the flowers were dressed so beautifully, it brought so much joy to my friend. I plan on ordering for myself. Worth purchasing, I will be buying more.

Jana Šumníková


Kytice upravená, odpovídající obrázku v nabídce, čerstvá. Doručeno ve sjednaném termínu. Doporučuji

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Wow effect

moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift


healthy yet versatile gift for everyone

TOP quality

ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade

100% Freshness

bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled

Excellent service

customer satisfaction guarantee