Your reviews and feedback are important to us, because they help us improve. If you were happy with our products and services, please recommend us.
If you have any complaints or suggestions for improvement, please contact us.
Customers rated Frutiko on Google
4,8 ★ total 750 reviews
Since 2013
92% people recommended
Based on the opinion of 1 075 people.
For review and sharing photos of the order, we will send you a discount.
Frutiko Prague factory 4.6 Excellent, 28 reviews
Frutiko Brno branch 5★, 9 reviews
99% customer recommended, 4.9 ★, 4 227 reviews
✓ fast delivery (45) ✓ quality products (33)
✓ great choice (14) ✓ communication (18) ✓ helpfulness (19)
Marie K.
Dortovou kytici z muffinů a popcake mi poslal manžel k narozeninám, když byl v cizině na služební cestě a nemohl mi pogratulovat osobně. Strašně mě tím překvapil a potěšil, byla výborná.
Beranová Lucie
Ovocnou kytici jsem dostala od rodiny na mé 70. narozeniny a měla na naší rodinné oslavě větší úspěch než klasický dort.
Fraňková Petra
Jedlou kytici z dortíků jsme dostali v práci jako poděkování od obchodního partnera. S holkama v kanceláři jsme si na ní při kafíčku moc pochutnaly.
Hanka M.
Čokoládovou kytici mi přinesla kamarádka jako poděkování. Byla výborná, především ta mléčná čokoláda.
Lucka V.
Frutiko miluju. Nejvíc mi chutnají banány v belgické čokoládě ale ráda mám i jahody v čokoládě a dortíkové popcake.
Vše od Frutika na naší svatbě bylo dokonalé. Dort, ovoce v čokoládě, ovocná kytice, cupcakes i další zákusky. Všichni hosté byli nadšení a moc si sladké pochvalovali.
You can find reviews from our customers on our website or social media. Reviews can only be written by customers who have actually purchased the product from us.
We verify this through Heureka (each order comes with a unique review link).
Reviews can be given to us by customers who have purchased through a user account. The settings there will not allow a review to be given for a product that would not be listed in the user's purchase history. We also manually verify the reviews. Customer photos are illustrative not real.
You can find other reviews of us or our products on Google, social media and Firmá As they are written by users on third party platforms over which we have no influence, these reviews cannot be verified by us. Thank you for your understanding.
Real photos of our products - fruit bouquets, flowers, cakes and other edible gifts can be seen on our social media profiles.
We share here photos and videos of our workers and production from our factory.
If you share a photo/video/reels of our products on your social media profile, we will give you a discount on your next purchase.
Your positive feedback please all our employees - confectioners, florists, fruit bouquet arrangers, drivers and customer support. Your complaints and suggestions help us get better and improve. We appreciate every feedback from you, because it is very important to us.
moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift
healthy yet versatile gift for everyone
ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade
bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled
customer satisfaction guarantee