Meadow Bouquet


Ingredients: Roses, Alstromeria, Pistacia lentiscus, Eustoma, Carnations, Matthiola

Size: Price
839 Kč

Meadow Flowers Bouquet

This beautiful meadow style bouquet has a natural look and a soft, fresh touch. It contains fresh flowers in light cream, green and pink colors - roses, mathiollas, eustoma or cavendish, alstromeria, carnations and pistachio.  Like a romantic walk through the meadow, this bouquet is a symbol of romance and a declaration of love. No woman can resist a beautiful bouquet of meadow flowers with natural decoration. Give meadow flowers for love, for an anniversary or as a birthday bouquet. Meadow flowers are also very popular for natural wedding bouquets.

Roses, Alstromeria, Pistacia lentiscus, Eustoma, Carnations, Matthiola

How to care for flowers?

Store flowers and flower boxes in a bright place at room temperature. Do not expose them to excessive heat or sunlight on a window or near a heater. Change the water of the flowers and cut the stems once every two to three days. Pour a small amount of water into the flowerbox every other day.

How long do flowers last?

Flowers in bouquets and flowerboxes will last aprox a week according to your care.

Customer reviews



kytka byla opravdu nádherná, dlouho vydržela a postupně rozkvétala :-)

Jitka Klinderová


Krásná květina, květiny už budu kupovat pouze u Frutica.

Jitka Klinderová


Krasná vazba a ve skutečnosti je pugét hezčí než na fotografii.Maximální spokojenost.
Moc děkuji .

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