International Women's Day

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8, in 2025 it will be Saturday. This women's day is celebrated in many countries of the world. Unlike in Russia, there is no public holiday in Czech Republic on this day, employees go to work and shops are open. Why is IWD celebrated? Women's Day was created as a memory of the women's strike for equality and justice.

Please the women and girls around you with a gift for women and let them know how important they are to you...

International Women's Day

Women's Day News

Carnations, resins

Carnations, resins

from 659 Kč

Spring Tulip Bouquet

Spring Tulip Bouquet

from 549 Kč

Lila package

Lila package

899 Kč

LILA Cupcakes

LILA Cupcakes

from 369 Kč

Lila Strawberries

Lila Strawberries

from 459 Kč

Fruit Mix Lila

Fruit Mix Lila

from 459 Kč

Cake Popsicle LILA

Cake Popsicle LILA

from 399 Kč

Spring collection

Spring donuts

Spring donuts

from 309 Kč

Spring Cake Popsicle

Spring Cake Popsicle

from 399 Kč

Spring Strawberries

Spring Strawberries

459 Kčfrom 419 Kč

Spring muffins

Spring muffins

from 369 Kč

Fruit flowers bestsellers for women

For You

For You

from 1 059 Kč

Heavenly Beauty

Heavenly Beauty

from 1 099 Kč

Butterfly wings

Butterfly wings

from 999 Kč

Chocolate Fantasy

Chocolate Fantasy

from 1 059 Kč

Chocolate Tulip

Chocolate Tulip

from 999 Kč

Tulip Paradise

Tulip Paradise

from 939 Kč

Mini Fantasy

Mini Fantasy

729 Kč

Fruit boxes bestsellers for women

Cakes bestsellers for women

Pink Cake

Pink Cake

from 839 Kč

Sweet Story

Sweet Story

from 689 Kč

Good Luck

Good Luck

839 Kčfrom 799 Kč

Flowers bestsellers for women


Prague & Central Bohemia

Prague & Central Bohemia

  • Morning 9:00 - 13:00 / Afternoon 13:00 - 17:00

    179 Czk
  • Pick up at Cestlice



  • Delivery 9:00 - 16:00

    179 Czk
  • Pickup at branch

    79 Czk
Other Czech cities

Other Czech cities

  • Delivery 8:00 - 17:00

    219 Czk

What to give for Women's Day?

Most popular gifts for women for Women's Day are:

Flowers, fruit bouquets and chocolate boxes Frutiko are very popular as a gift for IWD. Their advantage is originality, ordering online, gift wrapping with a greeting card and delivery anywhere in the Czech Republic.

What to give for Women's Day?

Other popular products

Sweet Story

Sweet Story

from 689 Kč



from 135 Kč

Cake Popsicle PINK

Cake Popsicle PINK

from 399 Kč

Want to please your lady on Women's Day?

If you plan to surprise your partner, friend, colleague or other important woman on Women's Day, please dont forget to:

  • Order at least a day or two in advance
  • Find out where the person will be located
  • Think about a message text, which will be printed in a gift card

Our Frutiko team will take care about the rest which is:

  • Top quality ingredients and hand production
  • Ontime delivery fresh, chilled and gift wrapped
  • SMS confirmation about the successful delivery
Want to please your lady on Women's Day?
Lucie Vrkotová

Lucie Vrkotová
Ovocnou kytici ma jako překvapení k MDŽ poslala kamarádka do práce. Byla jsem nadšená já i kolegyně, se kterými jsme ji snědly.

Marta Nováková

Marta Nováková
Ovocnou kytici mi ke svátku žen poslal syn ze zahraničí. Když jsem ji viděla a četla vzkaz od něj v blahopřání, vehnalo mi to slzy do očí.

Klára R.

Klára R.
Ke dni žen jsem od partnera dostala obrovský pugét růží. Byl nádherný.


Krásná kytice plná zdraví velmi chutnala a udělala velkou radost. Komunikace i doručení na jedničku, moc děkuji!


Kytice byla úžasná. Na střední velikosti jsem si pochutnala se sedmi kolegyněmi.


Krásné čerstvé růže, byla jsem nadšená, děkuji.

Chocolate-strawberry boxes for Microsoft

We ordered small chocolate dipped strawberry boxes for all female workers for IWD and we were very happy with the products and service.

Marta Nováková, HR Manager Microsoft

Tulip flowers for TV Prima

We gave nice tulip bouquets to each lady in our TV. They were all very pleased, the flowers were fresh abd beautiful.

Nikola Havelková, HR Manager TV Prima

Wow effect

moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift


healthy yet versatile gift for everyone

TOP quality

ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade

100% Freshness

bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled

Excellent service

customer satisfaction guarantee