Best selling products


Red Roses

A bouquet of red roses Bouquet of Roses in the number of their choice as a gift to please every woman. Red roses are the classics - in all cultur...

89 Kč


Party Sausage Flower

Sausage flower for party Bouquets of cold cuts, sausages and cheeses are the best gift for men. If dad, grandpa, uncle or brother is celebrating a bi...

from 1 309 Kč


Get Well

Get Well Soon We wish someone to stay healthy or to Get Well perhaps on each occasion, and what could express this wish better than gift full of v...

from 1 049 Kč

Sea Buckthorn Cake

Sea Buckthorn Cake

from 1 389 Kč

Strawberry Cake

Strawberry Cake

from 1 389 Kč

Devilish Temptation

Devilish Temptation

from 839 Kč

Minions Cake Pops

Minions Cake Pops

from 399 Kč

Wow effect

moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift


healthy yet versatile gift for everyone

TOP quality

ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade

100% Freshness

bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled

Excellent service

customer satisfaction guarantee