21st Birthday

Best selling products


Pink Roses

Bouquet of pink roses Bouquet of Roses the number of their choice as a gift to please every woman. Pink roses are romantic and poetic, express lo...

79 Kč


Sausage flower

Sausage flower for men Are you looking for an unconventional gift for a woman, a man, whether for anniversary, birthday or holiday? We have prepar...

from 1 259 Kč


Strawberry Tray Gold

Tray of gold chocolate strawberries This tray is full of fresh strawberries decorated in white, dark and caramel chocolate. Some of the strawberries ...

from 629 Kč

Fruit Heart

Fruit Heart

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Sausage flower

Sausage flower

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Black Box of Red Roses

Black Box of Red Roses

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Flower Cupcakes

Flower Cupcakes

from 369 Kč

Yellow Roses Box

Yellow Roses Box

from 1 149 Kč

Black Box of Pink Roses

Black Box of Pink Roses

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Strawberry Tray Gold

Strawberry Tray Gold

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Hot Beauty

Hot Beauty

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Fruit bouquet for wine

Fruit bouquet for wine

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Birthday Cupcakes

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Pink Roses

Pink Roses

79 Kč

21st Birthday

Celebrate your 20th/21st birthday with great gifts

In the US, the 21st birthday is a big event - the entry into adulthood. In Czechia, adulthood is celebrated on the 18th birthday, but the 20th birthday is also significant. Whether you're looking for a 20th or 21st birthday present, original bouquets of fruit and chocolate or sausages, cheese and vegetables are just the thing. An unusual, luxurious fruit bouquet, will delight as a 20th birthday gift for a woman but also for a man. A birthday cake will also serve as a great birthday gift for boys and girls, the design and taste will be made to the preferences of the birthday boy or girl. Roses are also a popular gift for 20th and 21st birthdays for girls and in the number corresponding to the age of the woman, i.e. 20 or 21 roses. Young women will also be charmed by a box full of fresh and fragrant flowers, and men will be delighted by an unusual gift basket for men with cold cuts and beer.

20 Birthday Gift Ideas and Inspiration

The best round birthday present is a proper birthday party. And birthday refreshments in the form of cakes and desserts are a must. The most popular cake for a round birthday is our Cake with number and photos which is decorated with a collage of photos in the shape of a number - the age of the birthday boy or girl in edible print on edible paper. Our friendly couriers will deliver birthday gifts and cakes anywhere in the country.

Wow effect

moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift


healthy yet versatile gift for everyone

TOP quality

ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade

100% Freshness

bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled

Excellent service

customer satisfaction guarantee